At the opening of the failed COP25, the UN based World Meteorological Office published this preliminary report on “the state of global climate in 2019” that shows that 2010-2019 is going to be the warmest decade since the start of measurement in 1850 / Anthropogenic era.
But what is the point of all these reports when some do not want to listen? En Français: « Il n’y a pas pire sourd que celui qui ne veut pas entendre… » So lets be hopeful and go back to the only path: Acting at our own level, within our respective industries so as to start a move that -because it is within the economy – will become so powerful that no-one can ignore it!
Finance has a role to play in funding the new energy infrastructure of course, but can also think of many more opportunities, in almost every industry where it can help the transformation towards a low carbon, and more social oriented economy.
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